ISERN – The International Software Engineering Research Network
ISERN Research, Innovate, Repeat. Together.
ISERN is a collaborative and evolving community of empirical software engineering researchers, practitioners, and students that welcomes new members. We encourage innovation, continuous learning, and sharing of best practices.
ISERN is a leader in championing and advancing the adoption and rigorous use of sound empirical methods in software engineering research and practice.
We rely on and continually evolve a body of empirical methods, guided by goal orientation, continuous improvement, research context, and experience from other empirical disciplines.
We aim at enhancing the quality, relevance, and practical impact of software engineering research, working towards making software engineering a more evidence-based discipline.
The ISERN community holds annual meetings in the context of the Empirical Software Engineering International Week (ESEIW). ESEIW consists of
- the ISERN meeting,
- the International Doctoral Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (IDoESE),
- the International Advanced School on Empirical Software Engineering (IASESE), and
- the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM)
The next meeting (2025) will be in Honolulu, Hawaii (USA)
For the history of meetings check HISTORY.